©IRD - JB Bore / Epi de riz en serre, Vietnam
@IRD Guyot, Romain / Détails de panicules de riz africain (Oryza glaberrima)
©IRD - Carlet - Soulages, François

Available Tools

The Rice Genome Hub provides a serie of tools to browse, visualize and search among all data sets available.


Tool for RNA-seq data analyses, from raw count to gene regulatory network. Allow the user to...

Gene Search

Search for a gene by name, location, functional annotation keywords...

Primer Designer

Primer Designer allows users to design new target-specific primers in one step as well as to...

Primer Blaster

Check PCR primer specificity on any Rice Genome

Synteny Viewer

Explore synthenic and collinear blocks detected between Rice genomes 

Sequences download

Download genes Sequences and promoter sequences from given gene list in fasta or GenBank/Embl...


Allows users to navigate genome sequence, annotation, and associated data track sequence,...


Gigwa is a web-based tool for the exploration of large amounts of genotyping data.
